The gig is tomorrow, and I’m very excited. We’ve been rehearsing today, and we’re gonna play through the set tomorrow as well, before the show, just to make sure everything’s working (our dress rehearsal, I guess). Had a pretty good day playing. While there are still a few bugs to work out, I think they’ll pretty much all sort out if we just think about them on our own and make ourselves aware of them.
The only thing I’m a bit worried about is the length of the set. I recorded the rehearsal today, and we’re only at roughly 35 minutes total. I think we should try to jam a bit more on at least two of the songs. Little Wing could go on for longer, as could Tripping Billies. I guess we’ll just see what happens… We’re meant to be jamming, after all. The point should be improvisation.
Thinking we’re probably gonna do a lot of it on stage. We’re playing more freely now than we did before, and it seems like we’re more comfortable together.
Loz is back and making an effort. We were really surprised when he turned up last week, after having not been there, and we were still pretty skeptical when he didnt turn up for our rehearsal on Thursday, but today he was there again, and seemed a lot more motivated, so it might turn out all right after all. Hope so.
So, once again, hope as many people as possible are gonna be able to come down tomorrow to watch! It’s at the Newhampton Arts Centre on Dunkley Street in Wolverhampton, and I really think it’s gonna be awesome! Apparently, we’ve got a special guest band playing as well, called Bespoke. They’ll be playing last, I think.
Tonight I’ll be watching my other classmates playing at the same location. Same concept, just different groups. I’ll be bringing my camera and my brand new 55-200mm zoom lens. Hope I’ll get some awesome pictures! Will share them with you if they’re any good.
In other news, I’ve had a wonderful weekend with Morten. On Friday we went to Nandos with Abi and Jodi. Saturday we enjoyed a steak dinner at home, just the two of us, drinking wine and whisky and eating Ben & Jerry’s while watching Last Chance to See, with Stephen Fry.
Pixie was happy to see Morten, too.
Sending him back home was really sad, but at least I’ve only got three weeks until I go home for Christmas. I don’t think I’ve ever looked forward to the Christmas holidays quite so much, even though it means Emma is going home permanently, which is sad.
I’m making myself some dinner now. Gonna leave you with the recording I made of Little Wing during our rehearsal today. Hope to see many of you tomorrow!