Survey Results

So it’s been about a week since the survey was last taken, so I figure it’s time to share with you guys some of the things I’ve found out.

The majority of my readers appear to be male. 45%, to be exact. 40% are female, 10% are robots and 5% are multiform, should we trust these results.

It would seem that roughly 70% of my readers are people who actually know me. Or, 70% of the readers who took my survey do, at least. Interestingly, not one of the people who have said they don’t know me in real life are female. I’m not sure whether this means that female readers who don’t know me just didn’t want to take the survey, of if I simply have no female readers who don’t know me in real life.

The mean age of all my readers is roughly 24 years old. (This is not counting the robot who said it’s age was 9775, simply because if I had I would have got a very unrealistic mean age for my human readers. All in the name of statistics.)

55% of my readers are Norwegian. 15% are from the UK. 10% are American. There is a 5% representation of extraterrestrials and 15% have answered that they come from a country on Earth not listed.

My readers are mostly students (55%). Those who are not are office drones (5%), paranormal investigators (10%), musicians, artists or other creative professions (10%), librarians, scientists and engineers.

85% of my readers say they like to read. Music, films, computers, art and comics/cartoons also scored high. Fitness and sport both scored 5%, proving that my readers are mostly geeks. The readers’ own additions to the hobby list included silliness, Warhammer 40k, paranormal stuff, Pundit Kitchen, photography and “being a strange online presence” (you know who you are).

Surprisingly for me, what my readers seem to like best is the straight forward blog posts. This is also what people want more of (is my life really so interesting that roughly 78% of you felt the need to reply “general blogging about life”?). This surprises me because, as a general rule, I grow easily bored of people’s general blogging about life (that’s not to say I don’t find other people’s lives interesting, but I find it easier to relate to when they’re telling me about it face to face), and prefer blogs with some kind of theme, which is why I have tried to centre this blog around the arts, with music in focus. But the readers have spoken. If it’s whining you want, it’s whining you’ll get!

About 61% want me to post more recordings, 45% want me to review music or concerts, and 39% would like me to write more fiction. Most of you seem to be bored with my song lyrics, as only 22% were interested in more on that front. Sucks to be the rest of you guys, cause I ain’t quitting!

Two people had never visited my website before. Thanks for taking the survey anyway, and I hope you come back!

Lastly, I’m curious as to which old classmate from Møllergata primary school responded to the survey and apparently reads my blog? Leave a comment or drop me an e-mail; we should have coffee!

Didn’t take the survey and feel like you want to? No problem! The survey is still up and active. I won’t make another statistics post unless I get a lot of new replies, but it’s fun for me to know what kind of people read my blog, so if you haven’t taken it yet, Click here to take the survey now!

Video title globalization I – the upside crash course world history 41 read more about globalization pages 1 2 next last need help

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